

First Price


Travel Voucher for Japan
價值/Value HK$20,000


Second price


iPhone 15 Pro Max
價值/Value HK$10,199


3rd price

iPad Pro 11吋型號 (256GB)
iPad Pro 11-inch model (256GB)
價值/Value HK$7,999


3rd price

TOSHIBA Home Appliances


參加方法/Join the Lucky Draw
推廣日期:2024年9月16日至10月31日(購買日期​)Promotion Period: From September 16 to October 31, 2024 (purchase date) 登記日期:2024年9月16日至11月7日 Registration Period: From September 16 to November 7, 2024
  1. 客戶於同一日及同一銷售點單次購買每2件東芝家電行貨產品(影音產品除外),可獲 1​ 次抽獎機會;買4件,即可獲 2​次抽獎機會,如此類推。*
  2. 於【東芝秋日祭 賞你遊日本】網頁填寫個人資料及購買收據資料,並上傳收據照片**,確認登記資料後成功參加抽獎。
  3. 抽獎活動會以電腦隨機抽籤形式進行,並於2024年11月22日公佈結果
  4. 得獎者將收到電話及電郵(如有提供電郵地址)通知,須於指定日期內領獎,領獎詳情會於獲獎通知公佈。領獎時須保留購買收據正本作核實用途。



  1. Customers who single purchase of every 2 TOSHIBA home appliance licensed products (excluding audio and visual product) at the same point of sale on the same day will receive one entry for the lucky draw; purchasing 4 items will earn two entries for the lucky draw, and so on.*
  2. Register your personal information and purchase receipt details with uploading receipt photo(s) on the [TOSHIBA Autumn Festival Vacation to Japan] webpage. After confirming your registration details, you will successfully participate in the lucky draw.
  3. The lucky draw will be conducted via a random computer-generated selection, and the results will be announced on November 22, 2024.
  4. Winners will be notified via phone and email (if customers have provided their email address) and must redeem their prizes within the specified date, the prize redemption details will be announced in the award notification. Original receipt must be retained for verification purposes when collecting the prize.

*Participants who make a single purchase of every 2 eligible products at the same point of sale on the same day during the Purchase Period, will be entitled to complete the registration at the Lucky Draw website within the Online Registration Period and will be entitled to 1 lucky draw chance. The number of registrations and the number of times a winner can be selected for this program is determined by the number of eligible products. For each lucky draw opportunity, a new registration is required. For example, if you purchase two products and register once on the website, you will obtain one chance to enter the lucky draw. If you buy four products, you need to register twice separately on the website to obtain two chances to enter the lucky draw, and so on.

**Purchase receipt that have been successfully submitted cannot be entered in the draw again.

得獎公佈/Winner Announcement


Winners will be announced on November 22, 2024, on TOSHIBA’ s Facebook page, Instagram page, Sing Tao Daily, and The Standard.

獎品名單/ Prize List

First Price


Travel Voucher for Japan
價值/value HK$20,000

Second price


iPhone 15 Pro Max
價值/value HK$10,199

3rd price


iPad Pro 11吋型號 (256GB)
iPad Pro 11-inch model (256GB)
價值/value HK$7,999

4th price


純蒸氣烤焗水波爐 (30公升) Superheated Steam Oven (30L)
價值/value HK$7,998

5th price


Table-top Dishwasher 55cm
價值/value HK$4,580

6th price


RO Tabletop Water Purifier with Heating & Cooling Function
價值/value HK$3,680

7th price


IH Rice Cooker (1.8L)
價值/value HK$3,588

8th price


智能蒸氣焗爐 (20公升)
Smart Steam Oven (20L)
價值/value HK$2,880

9th price


Menu IQ 氣炸鍋(7.4公升)
Menu IQ Air Fryer (7.4L)
價值/value HK$1,288

10th price


Electric Pressure Cooker
價值/value HK$1,188
立即登記/Register Now
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
注意:須與身份證上的姓名一致/ Same as the name of identity document
注意:須與身份證上的姓名一致/ Same as the name of identity document
注意:身份證首字母和前4位數字,例如:H0123XX(Y),我們接受H0123/ The first letter of the ID card and the first four digits, for example: H0123XX(Y), we accept H0123
請輸入8位數字的電話號碼/Please enter 8-digits phone number

注意:電話號碼用作得獎通知用途,請確保資料正確無誤/ The phone number is used for notification of winning; please ensure the information is correct
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
*點撃或拖曳影像到以上區域上傳檔案/ Click or drag files to above area to upload

上傳系統支援PNG、JPEG 或 PDF 格式的檔案/The upload system supports files in PNG, JPEG, or PDF format

上傳的收據每幅影像應小於5MB,並支持上傳兩幅影像/ The uploaded single image should be less than 5MB and support uploading two images
本人不同意TOSHIBA Hong Kong Limited 使用個人資料作市場促銷活動用途 I disagree that TOSHIBA Hong Kong Limited uses my personal information for marketing and promotional activities
推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼:59154 Trade Promotion Competition Licence No: 59154

「東芝秋日祭 賞您遊日本」(「抽獎」)  條款及細則
“TOSHIBA Autumn Festival Vacation to Japan” (“Lucky Draw”) Terms and Conditions

1.「東芝秋日祭 賞您遊日本」的主辦單位為東芝香港有限公司(下稱本公司)。參加者參加是次活動即表示已閱讀、明白及同意遵守此條款及細則和私隱條款。
1. The organizer of “TOSHIBA Autumn Festival Vacation to Japan”  is TOSHIBA Hong Kong Limited (the “Company”). By participating in this program, participants acknowledge that they have read, understood and agreed to abide by these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.
2. 在活動購買時間內於同一日及同一銷售點單次購買每2件合資格產品,並於活動網上登記時間內到抽獎網站完成登記,將獲得1次抽獎機會。
2. Participants who make a single purchase of every 2 eligible products at the same point of sale on the same day during the Purchase Period, will be entitled to complete the registration at the Lucky Draw website within the Online Registration Period and will be entitled to 1 lucky draw chance.
3. 本活動登記參加與獲獎次數根據合資格產品數量而定,每次抽獎機會均需重新登記,例如購買2件產品後於網站登記一次,可獲得1次抽獎機會;購買4件產品後,需於網站分開2次登記,才能獲得2次抽獎機會,如此類推。
3. The number of registrations and the number of times a winner can be selected for this program is determined by the number of eligible products. For each lucky draw opportunity, a new registration is required. For example, if you purchase two products and register once on the website, you will get one chance to enter the lucky draw. If you buy four products, you need to register twice separately on the website to obtain two chances to enter the lucky draw, and so on.
4. 是次活動購買時間為2024年9月16日(星期一)00時00分00秒至2024年10月31日(星期四)23時59分59秒,以購物收據時間為準,逾期的購物收據將不獲受理。
4. The purchase period of this promotion is from 00:00:00 on September 16, 2024 to 23:59:59 on October 31, 2024 (Thursday), subject to the time of purchase receipt, after which the receipt will not be accepted.
5. 是次活動網上登記時間為2024年9月16日(星期一)00時00分00秒至2024年11月7日(星期四)23時59分59秒,以系統時間為準,逾時參加者將不獲受理。
5. Online registration period for this promotion is valid from 00:00:00 on September 16, 2024 (Monday) to 23:59:59 on November 7, 2024 (Thursday), subject to system time, late application after which participants will not be accepted.
6. 合資格產品為東芝香港有限公司代理於香港地區銷售之東芝品牌家電產品(不包括影音產品 ),非東芝香港有限公司代理之貨品在此抽獎活動均不受理。
6. Eligible products are TOSHIBA brand home appliances which are imported to Hong Kong for sale by TOSHIBA Hong Kong Limited (exclude audio visual product), products that are not imported by TOSHIBA Hong Kong Limited will not be accepted in this Lucky Draw. 
7. 每張合資格的購買收據中的每一個合資格產品只可用作登記參加是次抽獎活動一次,重複登記即告作廢。本公司會核對上載的收據資料及參加者輸入的資料,如有上述所提及的不當資料,是次申請會被作廢。
7. Each eligible product in each eligible purchase receipt can only be used to register for this lucky draw program once. Repeated registrations will be invalid. The company will check the uploaded receipt information, and the information entered by the participant. If there is any inappropriate information mentioned above, the application will be invalidated.
8. 參加者需於「東芝秋日祭 賞您遊日本」網頁( www.toshiba-luckydraw.com) 登記姓名(須與身份證明文件一致)、香港身份證明號碼(包括英文字母及頭4位數字)、電話號碼、電郵地址(非必填)、收據號碼、總消費金額(HKD) (非必填)、購買日期、推廣員編號(非必填)並上傳收據照片。
8. Participants are required to register their name (same as the name of identity document), HK identity document number with English letter and first 4-digits, phone number, email address (not mandatory), receipt number, total consumption (HKD) (not mandatory), purchase date, promoter number (not mandatory), upload photo of receipt at the “TOSHIBA Autumn Festival Vacation to Japan” website (www.toshiba-luckydraw.com).
9. 得獎者須於領獎時出示收據正本、身份證明文件、得獎通知電郵(如有)以作核實之用。如未能出示收據正本及身份證明文件,得獎資格將會被取消,本公司亦不會重新抽籤。
9. Winners are required to present the original receipt(s), Hong Kong identity document, winning notification email (if any) for verification purposes when collecting the prize. Failure to present the original receipt(s) and Hong Kong identity document will cause disqualification and the Company will not arrange a  re-draw.
10. 所有已提交成功的登記資料,不得更改。
10. All registration information submitted successfully cannot be changed.
11. 參加者須向本公司承諾及保證所有提交之資料,均為真實且正確,亦沒有冒用或盜用任何第三者之資料。
11. The Participant undertakes and guarantees to the Company that all information submitted is true and correct and that it has not been fraudulently used or misappropriated by any third party.
12. 所有已登記之合資格參加者均可自動參加大抽獎,最終得獎結果將於2024年11月13日以電腦隨機抽籤方式進行。得奬名額共63名,並分為大獎(名額1名)、二獎(名額1名)、三獎(名額1名)及東芝家電獎(名額60名)。
12. All registered eligible participants will be automatically entered into the lucky draw, the final result of which will be conducted on November 13, 2024 by random computer ballot. There will be a total of 63 winners, divided into Grand Prize (1 winner), Second Prize (1 winner), Third Prize (1 winner) and TOSHIBA Home Appliances Prizes (60 winners).
I.     大獎(名額1名):Grand Prize (1 winner):
日本旅遊禮券(價值HK$20,000)Travel Voucher for Japan valued at HK$20,000
II.    二獎(名額1名):2nd Prize (1 winner):
iPhone 15 Pro Max (256GB)(價值HK$10,199)
iPhone 15 Pro Max (256GB) valued at HK$10,199
III.   三獎(名額1名):3rd Prize (1 winner):
iPad Pro 11吋型號 (256GB)(價值HK$7,999)
iPad Pro 11-inch model (256GB) valued at HK$7,999
TOSHIBA Home Appliances Prizes (60 winners):
IV.   四獎(名額5名):4th Prize  (5 winners):
TOSHIBA ER-TD5000HK 純蒸氣烤焗水波爐 (30公升)(價值HK$7,998)
Superheated Steam Oven (30L) valued at HK$7,998
V.     五獎(名額5名): 5th Prize (5 winners):
TOSHIBA DW-05T2-HK 55厘米座檯式洗碗碟機(價值HK$4,580)
Table-top Dishwasher 55cm valued at HK$4,580
VI.    六獎(名額5名):6th Prize (5 winners):
TOSHIBA TWP-W2265THK(W) RO座檯式冷熱飲水機(價值HK$3,680)
RO Tabletop Water Purifier with Heating & Cooling Function valued at HK$3,680
VII.  七獎(名額5名):7th Prize(5 winners):
TOSHIBA RC-DR18T(R) 磁應電飯煲 (1.8公升)(價值HK$3,588)
IH Rice Cooker (1.8L) valued at HK$3,588
VIII.  八獎(名額10名):8th Prize (10 winners):
TOSHIBA MS3-STQ20SC 智能蒸氣焗爐 (20公升)(價值HK$2,880)
Smart Steam Oven (20L) valued at HK$2,880
IX.  九獎(名額15名):9th Prize (15 winners):
TOSHIBA AF-74CS1TRHK Menu IQ 氣炸鍋 (7.4公升)(價值HK$1,288)
Menu IQ Air Fryer (7.4L) valued at HK$1,288
X.  十獎(名額15名):10th Prize(15 winners):
TOSHIBA PC-48DRSHK(K) 電壓力鍋(價值HK$1,188)
Electric Pressure Cooker valued at HK$1,188
13. 如參加者於登記中途退出或離開頁面,有機會導致資料無法傳送至後台系統或出現重覆登記情況,如因此情況而不能成功登記參與抽獎,本公司恕不負責。
13. If a participant withdraws or leaves while the registration, there is a chance that the information cannot be transferred to the backend system or the registration will be repeated, and the Company will not be responsible for any failure to register for the lucky draw program due to such circumstances.
14. 如因通訊網路之任何問題或技術故障,以及網路系統或電腦軟硬件故障;或因參加者於登記時有任何錯漏,而導致任何損失,本公司恕不負責。
14. The Company shall not be responsible for any loss caused by any problems or technical malfunctions of the communication network, failure of the network system or computer hardware or software, or any errors or omissions made by the participant during registration.
15. 活動網站不作任何明示或暗示的陳述或保證,亦不擔保網站為安全或無病毒或其他惡意軟件。在任何情況下,本公司無需對任何參加者因參加或未能參加本活動而負上任何責任。
15. The event website makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, that the website is secure or free from viruses or other malware. In no event shall the Company be liable to any participant for his/her participation or failure to participate in the program.
16. 是次抽獎結果將於2024年11日22日(星期五)於本公司社交平台、星島日報及英文虎報公佈結果。
16. The lucky draw results will be announced on the Company’s social media platforms, Sing Tao Daily and The Standard on Friday, November 22, 2024.
17. 於公佈得獎結果後3個工作天內,得獎者將會收到由本公司發出之獲獎電郵通知(如得獎者有提供電郵地址)。得獎者須於指定日期內領取獎品。如得獎者未能於指定日期內領獎,得獎者資格將被取消。(大獎、二獎、三獎、七獎、九獎、十獎得獎者須於指定地點領獎,四獎、五獎、六獎、八獎得獎者可獲安排送貨服務,領獎詳情會於獲獎電郵公佈)
17. Winners will receive an email notification (if the winner has provided an email address) from the Company within 3 working days after the announcement of the lucky draw results. Winners will be required to collect the prize within the specified date. If the winner fails to collect the prize within the designated date, the winner will be disqualified. (Prize winners of Grand Prize, 2nd Prize, 3rd Prize, 7th Prize, 9th Prize and 10th Prize are required to collect their prizes at the designated location, while prize winners of 4th Prize, 5th Prize, 6th Prize and 8th Prize can be arranged for delivery service, details of prize collection will be announced in the winners’ emails)
18. AsiaPac Net Media Limited 為本公司授權是次活動運作及處理客戶個人資料之代理,並將代表本公司向得獎者發出領獎電話通知。得獎者會於公佈得獎結果後5個工作天內收到電話通知。如於公佈得獎結果後5個工作天內未能成功聯絡得獎者,得獎資格會被取消。
18. AsiaPac Net Media Limited is the agency which is authorized to operate this event and process the client’s personal data, issue prize collection phone notifications to the winners on behalf of the Company. Winners will be notified by phone within 5 working days after the announcement of prize results. If the winner cannot be reached within 5 working days after the result announcement, the winner will be disqualified.
19. 如有以下情況,本公司將保留酌情權根據此條款及細則取消參加者抽獎及/或得獎資格而無須發出事先通知。本公司亦不會重新抽籤。
i) 違反本條款及細則;
ii) 登記錯誤或提供不真實或不完整的訂單或個人資料;
iii) 以非法或不誠實的手法參加本活動;
iv) 於得獎後本公司無法聯絡及確認其資料;或 
v)  於領獎時未能出示登記抽獎時相符的身份證明文件或收據正本。
vi) 領獎編號被重覆使用
vii) 於非指定地點領奬;
viii) 於非指定日期及時間領獎。
19. The Company reserves the right at its discretion to disqualify a participant from the Lucky Draw and/or the Prize without prior notice in accordance with these Terms and Conditions in the following circumstances. The Company will not arrange a re-draw.
i) Breach of these Terms and Conditions;
ii) Registration errors or the provision of untrue or incomplete order or personal data;
iii) Participate in the Event in an illegal or dishonest manner;
iv) The Company is unable to contact and confirm his/her information after winning the prize; or 
v) Failure to present the identity document or original receipt form required for lucky draw registration at the time of prize collection.
vi) The prize number is reused
vii) To collect the prize at a non-designated location;
viii) Collect the prize on a date and time not specified in the application.

20. 如發現有任何人仕以任何方式擾亂或操控本抽獎過程或結果、或不依從活動規則參與活動而成功獲取禮品,本公司將有權取消其參加及得獎資格,而毋須事先通知或給予任何補償。而被取消資格的參加者均不得異議,本公司亦保留一切追究權利。
20. If any person is found to have disrupted or manipulated the process or result of the lucky draw in any way, or has successfully won the prizes without following the rules of the activity, the Company reserves the right to disqualify him/her from participating in the lucky draw and winning the prizes without prior notice or compensation. The disqualified participants are not allowed to dispute the disqualification and the Company reserves the right to pursue the matter.
21. 所有活動宣傳品上刊登之圖片只供參考,獎品不能更改、退款、替換或兌換成其他獎賞或禮遇,亦不得轉讓。所有獎品於領取後,如有任何遺失、損毀及逾期,恕不退換或補發。
21. All pictures on the promotional materials are for reference only. The prizes cannot be altered, refunded, exchanged or exchanged for other rewards or privileges, and are not transferable. All prizes are non-refundable, non-exchangeable and non-replacement in case of any loss, damage or overdue after collection.
22. 非本公司所屬之一、二、三等獎獎品,本公司不會承擔此等獎品有關之任何法律責任。一切有關此類獎品之爭議,包括產品及服務之質素及供應情況,一概由獎品供應商或商戶負責。其他由本公司所提供東芝家電獎則例外。
22. The Company will not bear any legal responsibility for the prizes not belonging to the Company, such as the first, second and third prizes. All disputes relating to such prizes, including the quality and availability of products and services, shall be the responsibility of the suppliers or merchants of the prizes. Except for other TOSHIBA Home Appliance prizes provided by the Company.

23. 本公司之員工不得參加是項活動,以示公允。本公司在抽獎活動前會審批參加者資料(包括參加者姓名及身份證號碼),如發現有本公司員工參加,將會取消他們的參加資格。
23. Employees of the Company are not allowed to participate in this Lucky Draw Campaign as a sign of fairness. Our company will review and approve participant information (including participant name and participant Hong Kong identity document number) before the lucky draw. If our employees are found to be participating, they will be disqualified.
24. 東芝家電獎所有獎品均有保養,有關產品保用期可瀏覽 https://www.toshiba-lifestyle.com/content/dam/toshiba-aem/hk/faq/PWP.pdf
24. All TOSHIBA Home Appliances Award prizes come with warranty, please visit https://www.toshiba-lifestyle.com/content/dam/toshiba-aem/hk/faq/PWP.pdf
for product warranty period. Winners are required to present the confirmation document when enjoying the warranty service.
25. 參加者提供之個人資料將只用於本活動及有關的用途及予以保密,所有資料於完成本活動及有關目的後刪除及銷毀。詳情請瀏覽下面的收集個人資料聲明。
25. Personal data provided by participants will only be used for the purpose of this program and related purposes and will be kept confidential. All data will be deleted and destroyed after the completion of this program and related purposes. For details, please refer to the Personal Information Collection Statement below.
26. 所有條款及細則的英文本與中文本在文義上出現分歧,概以中文本為準。 詳情請瀏覽以下的私隱政策及個人資料收集聲明。
26. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail. Please read the privacy policy and personal data collection statement below for details.
27. 本公司保留所有條款及細則之最終決定權。
27. The company reserves the right to make the final decision on all terms and conditions.
客戶服務熱線: 852 – 2635 9222

Customer Service Hotline: 852 – 2635 9222
Trade Promotion Competition Licence No.: 59154

Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement

我們非常重視閣下的私隱權。本私隱政策及聲明(下稱「本私隱聲明」)說明 東芝如何收集和使用個人資料。
Your privacy is important to us. This Privacy Policy and Statement (“Privacy Statement”) describes how TOSHIBA collects and uses personal information.
Please read this Privacy Statement carefully. By using http://www.toshiba-luckydraw.com (collectively, the “Site”), you are accepting the terms of this Privacy Statement. If you do not wish to be bound by the following terms, please do not use the Site. By completing any form and clicking the “Submit” buttons through the Site, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Privacy Statement and agree to the collection and use of information as described in this Privacy Statement. The Company reserves the right to update and change the content of this Website at any time and may unilaterally amend this Privacy Statement without notice. You should periodically check this Website for changes to this Privacy Statement, as your continued use of this Website signifies your acceptance of any changes to this Privacy Statement. If there are any changes to this Privacy Statement that may significantly affect the way we use or disclose your information (including your personal information), we will obtain your consent before using your information for such purposes. In this context, “you”, “member” and “user” refer to all individuals who access this website for any reason or purpose.
1. 收集資料的目的
1. Purpose of Data Collection
In order to continuously improve the quality of our products and services and to better understand the needs of our customers, we may ask you to provide us with your personal data, contact details and other relevant information. If such personal data is incomplete or incorrect, we may not be able to provide or continue to provide the relevant services to you. The Company collects information about users who visit this website on a voluntary basis.
The personal information collected includes contact name, e-mail address, telephone number and other information submitted by you. The information collected by us will also be used only for the purposes stated at the time of collection of the information from the user to promote our products and services and for such other purposes as you and we may agree or as may be required by law from time to time:
(a) 以核對身份及作紀錄用途;
(a) For identity verification and record keeping;
(b) Displaying your data when you use the Website, the Internet and other relevant channels to process your data;
(c) Communicating with you and sending you information about your participation in the Programme and promotional offers; 
(d) Other purposes directly related to the purposes listed above.
2. 個人資料之使用
– 東芝香港有限公司之附屬公司及聯營公司;
– 任何向本公司提供服務而該等服務與我們業務運作有關的任何代理、承包商或第三方服務供應商;
– 任何獲本公司授權處理客戶個人資料之代理;
– 本公司的核數師、顧問或法律顧問;
– 傳播媒介(在若干有關處理客戶投訴及查詢之情況下);
– 任何對本公司負有保密責任的人士。
2. Use of Personal Data
The Company will keep your personal information confidential and will not sell your personal information to any third party, but may provide such information to:
– Subsidiaries and associated companies of TOSHIBA Hong Kong Limited;
– Any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides services to the Company in connection with the operation of our business;
– Any agent authorised by the Company to process the Client’s personal data;
– Auditors, advisers or legal advisers of the Company;
– Communication media (in certain cases relating to the handling of customer complaints and enquiries);
– Any person under a duty of confidentiality to the Company.
3. 直接促銷
– 本公司及東芝香港有限公司之附屬公司及聯營公司的活動、優惠、新聞資訊及禮品兌換;
– 本公司及東芝香港有限公司之附屬公司及聯營公司的會員計劃。
本公司可能轉移及披露閣下的個人資料予以上第(2)及(3)項所述的受讓人。如閣下不希望本公司如上所述使用其個人資料及/或將其個人資料提供予其他人士作直接促銷用途,閣下可通知本公司行使其選擇權拒絕接受促銷。閣下可電郵至enquiry@toshiba.com.hk 通知我們,並於電郵
新界 火炭 山尾街 18-24 號
沙田商業中心 14 樓 1410-19 室
3. Direct Marketing
Subject to your consent, the Company intends to use your personal data including your name, address, telephone number and email address for the following direct marketing purposes by post, email, telemarketing or SMS:
– redemption of events, privileges, news and gifts of subsidiaries and associated companies of the Company and TOSHIBA Hong Kong Limited;
– Membership programs of subsidiaries and associated companies of the Company and Toshiba Hong Kong Company Limited.
We may transfer and disclose your personal data to the transferees mentioned in (2) and (3) above. If you do not wish us to use your personal data and/or provide your personal data to other persons for use in direct marketing as described above, you may exercise your opt-out right by notifying us. You can notify us by emailing us at enquiry@toshiba.com.hk and emailing
The subject line is “Unsubscribe” or you may send your request by post to the following address:
TOSHIBA Hong Kong Limited
Fo Tan, New Territories, 18-24 Shan Mei Street
Unit 1410-19, 14/F, Sha Tin Commercial Centre
4. 資料之保安
4. Data Security
The Company will store the Client’s personal data in a secure system and only properly trained and authorized staff will have access to such personal data. The Company also guarantees a high level of security and confidentiality for the personal data of our staff.
5. 個人信息的跨境傳輸
5. Cross-Border Transfer of Personal Information
The Company is a global company and the team responsible for data processing may have global or multiple national responsibilities. As a result, these teams may be located anywhere in the world in which we operate, including outside the European Union, in countries that do not have the same standards of protection for personal information as the country in which you are located. We may also transfer data outside of the European Union, including China.
By using or joining the Services and/or providing your information to the Company, you consent to the collection, transfer, storage and processing of your information outside of your country of residence in accordance with this Privacy Policy and that the Company will endeavour to ensure that it complies with applicable legal requirements to the extent permitted by the available technology, for example through the enforcement of standard contractual clauses. All your data collected by the Company will be used for user and product analysis after necessary confidentiality treatment in order to provide you with better services. However, in this case, we will take appropriate measures to protect your information.
6. 查詢及更正個人資料
新界 火炭 山尾街 18-24 號
沙田商業中心 14 樓 1410-19 室
6. Access and Correction of Personal Data
In accordance with the Ordinance, you have the right to inquire from us at any time whether we hold personal data in our database, to obtain a copy of such data and to correct any data that is inaccurate. Such requests for access to or correction of data may be made in writing to:
TOSHIBA Hong Kong Limited
Fo Tan, New Territories, 18-24 Shan Mei Street
Unit 1410-19, 14/F, Sha Tin Commercial Centre
“Management of Personal Data”
In accordance with the Ordinance, the Company has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any personal data access request.

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